Hibai Unzueta, 21 years old.
Bilbao. Basque Country (spain)
Telecommunications (electrical) Engineering student
at EHU/UPV University of the Basque Country.

Performing 4th year of a five year degree.
Doing lab work on the TCN international
standar for a realisation of a train communication

----- Original Message -----
From: Gail Leatherwood
To: Europa
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 6:28 PM
Subject: Data Collection

To help us organize the nearly overwhelming amount of information and raw
data we have been circulating, one of our members, Dennis Frye, Orlando, FL,
has graciously offered to take on this task. He has been receiving
everything we have sent over the past week or so, and has good ideas about
how to collect, record, and catalog what we have been doing and want to do.
For a start, we need the "name, rank, and serial number" stuff from everyone
so we can have a good mailing list. We can then begin matching names with
specific skills, talents, expertise, and availability for specific parts of
the project. This will not limit anyone from contributing whatever pops into
their heads in the middle of the night, for anything anyone comes up with
will be added to the pot.
If you have any reservations about sharing all your personal addresses,
telephone numbers, or whatever, just your e-mail address will be fine. I
think we have that already from your various el-mails, but if there are
questions, Dennis may ask you for details. Also, if you have any specific
talents not already noted, send that along to him also.
And to Dennis: Thanks so much for volunteering for this important job!
Gail (the guy) Leatherwood

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