----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2004 5:34 AM
Subject: Latest News from the Astrobiology Magazine

Citizen of the Solar System

NASA's David Morrison won the 2004 Carl Sagan medal from the Division for Planetary Sciences. He talked with Astrobiology Magazine about the risks and rewards of extending science beyond our biosphere.

Meteorites Donated Life's Phosphorus

Phosphorus is much rarer in nature than are hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen, but just as critical to life. Where the phosphorus came from has been a mystery, but one recent hypothesis maintains that meteorites might be a source of Earth's early phosphorus.

Beagle 2: Lessons Learned

The ambitious Mars lander, Beagle 2, never was able to respond from the surface back to Earth, but the mission team has assembled their thoughts on making the next one better.

Backyard Telescopes for New Planets

Could a new world be discovered with a department store telescope having only a small 4-inch diameter lens? It was a little more than a decade ago that the world's most powerful telescopes could just begin to discover extrasolar planets, but with over 120 new worlds found, the technique seems primed to become general.

Wednesday, August 25

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