I'm working on assembling a home EVSE out of old parts (EVI DS-50 and J1772 
plug from ebay).  I got the cord/plug yesterday, and I'm just not clear on what 
I should be seeing when putting a meter on the connector.

Measuring proximity to ground I get 150ohm.  When I press the switch, I get 
480ohm.  According to http://code.google.com/p/open-evse/wiki/J1772Basics it 
should be the other way around, 480ohm, then 150ohm when the switch is 

Is my connector wired wrong?  I'm finding all kinds of conflicting advice on 
this when I google it.  I don't think it matters either way for me since I'm 
just charging a conversion with a dumb charger, but I'd like to have it set up 
in accordance to the spec.  Before trying to open up the connector I'd like to 
verify with the experts what I should be 'seeing' at the plug.

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