Just looked up NoAlOx.

Improves service life of aluminum electrical applications
Reduces galling and seizing on aluminum conduit joints
Suspended zinc particles penetrate and cut aluminum oxide

Seems it's not so much that the zinc makes it conductive as it helps break 
through the non conductive aluminium oxide layer and so improves the 
conductivity.  So for aluminium connections it might be both useful and 
important to use something like this.  For other situations (similar metals) 
just using petroleum jelly on a clean joint may work just as well;  if the 
joint is tight enough the grease should be squeezed out and so does not 
interfere with conductivity only acts to exclude air and water reducing the 
potential for corrosion.

While a dielectric is non conductive it does mean more than that, it's a 
property of an insulator and some have better dielectric properties than others.


On 2014-01-13, at 11:27 AM, Michael Ross wrote:

> Dielectric essentially means non-conductive.  The whole point of NoAlOx is
> to enhance conductivity and it contains zinc powder - some one said (I
> haven't looked into it much).
> Theoretically, why would you want to put a non-conductive material between
> two current carrying members, when a conductive grease would do just as
> well at protecting from moisture?  I see no reason not to smear dielectric
> all around outside, but it might end up in the current path just the same.
> On Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 10:49 AM, Hoegberg <hoegb...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> interesting
>> Noalox and Penetrox is not the normal dielectric?,
>> so I would not use it on sensor plugs for example
>> http://ecat.burndy.com/Comergent/burndy/product/PENA134
>> this seems to be zinc-fume/dust in thick non-petroleum grease and used for
>> joins with alu-alu or alu-copper.
>> /John
>> ----------------------------------------
>>> From: marke.han...@hotmail.com
>>> To: ev@lists.evdl.org
>>> Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2014 10:04:14 -0500
>>> Subject: [EVDL] Dissimilar Metal Contact on LiFePO4 Battery Posts
>>> Hi Lee etc:I thought that stainless bolts would be a problem on
>> connections on the Cray-3 supercomputer I worked with Seymour Cray on in
>> Colorado Springs but the actual electrical connection is *not* through the
>> bolt but through the contact surfaces of the terminal top and strap (the
>> power supply was 2000A) - although it was in liquid flourinert - no
>> corrosion. All the LiFePO4 batteries sold T-Sky & CALB batteries have M8
>> stainless bolts and copper straps supplied which are dissimilar metals with
>> the aluminum threads on the battery terminals. I haven't heard of
>> connection problems from those who actually drive their EV's 10K+ miles per
>> year but first sanding or wire brush them & adding Noalox-probably best or
>> dielectric grease to the contacts elleviates dissimilar metal galvanic
>> corrosion. I noticed that doing nothing in a wet east coast environment
>> leaves some white surface corrosion after 20k miles on the aluminum-copper
>> contact point. I ordered NORD lock washers & Noal
>>> ox from Grainger to redo all my connections with the stainless
>> bolts.Have a renewable energy day,mark in roanoke, VA www.REEVAdiy.org
>>> From: Lee Hart <leeah...@earthlink.net>
>>> To: Electric Vehicle Discussion List <ev@lists.evdl.org>
>>> Subject: Re: [EVDL] Keeping LiFePO4 battery terminals tight every 10k
>>> miles
>>> Message-ID: <52cc422e.4090...@earthlink.net>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>>> Michael Ross wrote:
>>>> It is necessary to have a properly sized torque wrench, the willingness
>> to
>>>> look up the proper torque setting for the materials involved, and a
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