Sounds OK.  I grok transformers and oscillating currents.

On Sun, Mar 9, 2014 at 1:43 AM, Roger Stockton <>wrote:

> Michael Ross wrote:
> > " battery amps would be lower than motor amps at low RPMs"
> >
> > That sounds like nonsense to me, but I don't have the whole circuit
> > in front of me.
> It is absolutely correct.  The PWM motor controller behaves similarly to a
> variable transformer, but with DC input and output.
> DC motor RPM is proportional to voltage; at low motor RPM, the battery
> pack voltage is reduced by the motor controller so that less than full pack
> voltage is applied to the motor.
> Aside from a relatively small loss due to inefficiency of the controller,
> power out to the motor is (approximately) equal to the power into the
> controller from the battery.
> Assume the battery does not sag so we have full pack voltage into the
> controller and further assume that the voltage applied to the motor is half
> of the pack voltage.  For approximately equal power in and out of the
> controller, the current in the motor loop will be twice that in the battery
> loop.
> As long as the voltage at the motor is less than the battery voltage, the
> current in the motor loop is greater than that in the battery loop.  Once
> the motor voltage (speed) increases to the point of being equal to the
> battery voltage, the motor current and battery current are equal.
> Cheers,
> Roger.
> _______________________________________________
> For EV drag racing discussion, please use NEDRA (

Put this question to yourself: should I use everyone else to attain
happiness, or should I help others gain happiness?
*Dalai Lama *

Tell me what it is you plan to do
With your one wild and precious life?
Mary Oliver, "The summer day."

To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk.
Thomas A. 

A public-opinion poll is no substitute for thought.
*Warren Buffet*

Michael E. Ross
(919) 550-2430 Land
(919) 576-0824 <> Google Phone
(919) 631-1451 Cell
(919) 513-0418 Desk
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