Surely there is a more efficient way of storing excess electric power than 
this?!  Even pumping water up into reservoirs and then dropping again through 
turbines (like the UK national grid does in wales ) must be more efficient?  Wont work very 
well in the Great Plains but most other places should have some hilly bits. MW

On 25 Jun 2014, at 15:36, Robert Bruninga via EV wrote:

> Generally, Hydrogen for transportation (no infrastructure) makes little
> sense compared to EV’s (everyone has an outlet in their garage).  The
> business model for hydrogen cars is very weak (though it is needed for
> trucks and road warriors).
> BUT!
> There is a future for hydrogen in utility scale applications for the
> eventual Bazgigawatts of periodic solar and wind excess into electrolysis
> of water to hydrogen.  Think of it as energy storage (the holy grail of
> renewables).
> But then creating a HUGE infrastructure from zero to distribute this
> hydrogen source  in tiny little buckets to burn everywhere in tiny amounts
> in millions of cars makes no sense, when the utilities can far, far more
> easily burn it right there at their plants to provide a continuum of
> electricity at night and/or low wind.
> Another way to look at it is to have the utilities burn the excess hydrogen
> to make electricity and use the grid to distribute that electricity to
> EV’s.  That is a far easier way to distribute “hydrogen stored energy”
> since EV’s and the grid distribution already exist everywhere.
> Of course, there will always be a market for SOME hydrogen fueled cars and
> trucks that must do long trips or continuous road travel.  No question.
> But that is something like only 10% or our transportation energy… and easy
> to implement along the interstates…
> P.S.  There is another thing I just became aware of.  Other countries
> versus the US with respect to Energy Storage..  Not everything is equal.
> Germany has a different perspective on storage (hydrogen) for many
> reasons…   they have no natural gas like we do.  They cannot use natural
> gas plants to make-up solar/wind shortages.  Where we view “storage” as a
> short-term (max 12 hour overnight) need, they view storage as a long-term
> requirement and not just for backup electricity, but for weeks or months…
> Just some thoughts.
> Bob, WB4aPR
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