as far as I am concerned, I could care less, I build EV conversions but drive a 
gas guzzling ICE, I have built many EVs for my self and sold them all. I do 
this because its a business , and a damn good business.  Im not a  tree hugger, 
a environmentalist, or some one that gives a shit . Im opinionated , grouchy, 
old, and could care less what people think of me . Every one here has the 
correct answer ,but they dont even knows the real question !!. The planet has 
to damn many people on it, by at least 3 billion, and its getting worse every 
day, no one ever brings that up, NO !! that would be to simple, people use 
power, the more people the more power they use, the worse the air gets, the 
worse the water gets, the forests get cut down, where the hell do you think O2 
comes from, Green plants, and yes at night they reverse the process . If this 
makes me a  cynic so be it 
 If this is political, Im sorry
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