'Is it time to only use the gas station for snacks & the restroom?'

Time to Dump the Pump? BP Says We Have 53.3 Years of Oil Left
July 7, 2014 By Nikki Gordon-Bloomfield

Nozzie has just 53.3 years to carry on dispensing petrol.

Here at Transport Evolved, we’re pretty pro-electric car. (You may have
noticed.) Actually, we’re all about future car technology, regardless of its
fuel type. To us, future car technology means technology that not only
eliminates our need for fossil fuels, but makes our cars smarter and easier
to use.

For us, that drive is partly due to environmental concerns, and partly due
to the knowledge that our current system of mass fossil-fuel consumption
isn’t sustainable. But if our say so isn’t enough, perhaps it’s time to
listen to global oil company BP, which warns that we only have 53.3 years of
oil reserves left at current consumption rates.

In its latest report, BP says it estimates a total of 1,687.9 billion
barrels of oil remain in the world, with a larger than previously thought
44.2 billion barrels of oil reserves in the U.S. alone.

While this has pushed the number of years’ reserve up, a large majority of
the increased U.S. oil reserves are located in shale rock formations.
Controversial at best and banned in many areas around the world, obtaining
shale oil requires hydraulic fracturing of rocks (known as fracking.) Worse
still, fracking is known to cause a myriad of health issues, including
heavily polluted ground water, increased erosion and metallic pollution.

As our friends over at GreenCarReports note however, the problem isn’t just
related to getting oil out of the ground in a safe and healthy way. It’s
also about satiating the oil-consumption appetite of countries like China,
whose massive industrial boom is consuming fossil fuels at an alarming rate.

Worse still, Asian oil reserves are limited to just 14 years at current
production rates.

It’s a stark and simple warning. Once it’s all used up, there won’t be any
more oil any time soon. And if your children are at junior school, the
chances are they’ll be around to see the end of oil.

As for those sad gas pumps? Here’s what they could end up doing. It’s time
to start looking for an alternative, don’t you think?
[© 2014 Transport Evolved]
The world has 53.3 years of oil left
By Matt DiLallo, The Motley Fool  June 28, 2014
BP: 53.3 Years Of Oil Left At Current Production Rate
By Antony Ingram  Jul 7, 2014
The Road Warrior (1981) ... Plot: Since the supplies of gasoline have been
nearly exhausted in the near future, law & order have broken down, and Main
Force Patrol (MFP) itself could no longer function following a global war.
Max "Mad Max" Rockatansky, who left MFP over 5 years ago, traumatized by the
death of his wife and child, roams the now depopulated and desolate desert
in his scarred, black supercharged V-8 Pursuit Special, scavenging for food,
drink, and gas. His only companions are an Australian Cattle Dog and a rare
functioning firearm–a sawed-off shotgun–for which ammunition is very scarce
Mad Max2 The Road Warrior (1981)
SonicBoom Aug 27, 2009
The Road Warrior Opening

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