You don’t have to live in EV-lovin’ California to make an EV trip
The Great American Road Trip Has Gone Electric
By Alex Davies  07.04.14

[images  / Ariel Zambelich/WIRED
A map of supercharger stations across the U.S. Tesla
Charging. Tesla
Charlie Changchien’s Tesla charging at a station in Glen Allen, VA. Charlie

The road trip may be the perfect expression of American’s obsession with
freedom. The ability to hop in a car and go wherever we want whenever we
want has inspired a canon’s worth of books and films. It is the stuff of
dreams, and very often of vacations.

This ideal would seem to be undone by our growing embrace of electric
vehicles. Cars with cords offer many great benefits. They don’t burn
gasoline or spew carbon dioxide. They’ve got tons of torque and terrific
acceleration. But their one weakness, and it’s a biggie, is range. You can
only pack so much power into a battery, and when it’s gone, it takes hours
to replace. EVs can take you around the city, but not far from it. That’s a
bit of a problem, because although the average American commute is 24.18
miles round trip, 89 percent of Americans take at least one long-distance
trip by car each year. And EV’s can’t play that most American of automotive
roles, the road tripper.

Or can they?

Tesla Motors points the way toward our wide-ranging, freewheeling electric
future with the Model S. The gorgeous battery-electric sedan is comfortable,
quick and, price aside, supremely practical. Best of all, its huge battery
pack lets you go as far as 265 miles. To fully liberate the S from the
commuter car role most EVs play, Tesla is building a vast network of 
“Supercharger” stations that can get you going in 30 minutes.

So when I got a chance to skip town for a weekend in Los Angeles, I decided
to do so in a Model S. I knew such a trip was possible—this is Tesla’s home
turf, and you can’t swing an extension cord without hitting a Supercharger
station around here. But you don’t have to live in EV-lovin’ California to
make such a trip. EV pioneers nationwide have crossed the country and logged
thousands of miles on epic road trips. One guy even rode coast-to-coast on
an electric motorcycle.

Clearly such a trip is possible. Whether it’s practical is another question

I was a few miles south of Santa Barbara, headed home on Highway 101 with
the Pacific on my left and Los Padres National Forest on my right, when the
answer came to me. Yes, a road trip in an electric vehicle is totally
feasible, as long as you’re willing to make a few sacrifices. In four days,
I covered 1,019 miles. I stopped to charge the car six times. And I learned
that, with a little patience and planning, you can go as far you care to in
an electric vehicle.

Not My Kind of Road Trip

I love a long road trip. Through college, my friends and I would flee the
Minnesota tundra each March for a week on the Georgia coast. It was a
marathon drive, and we’d stop every four hours to get gas, grab a snack and
use the restroom. We’d also stop for a proper breakfast at a Crackle Barrel
to mark our arrival in the South. It’s a solid 21 hours of driving, and we’d
make the trip in 25. It was mildly torturous, but the fastest way to get our
pale, pale selves to the beach.

Still, the drive was almost as much fun as our week in the Peach State. Even
now, I still consider pulling over with anything but a bone-dry gas tank and
distended bladder a sign of weakness. So the idea that my joyride through
the Golden State would require a 30-minute pit stop every three hours didn’t
strike me as especially awesome or practical.

Turns out, I was able to put that time to good use. I caught up on my

The Car and the Stations

The Model S is a hoot to drive. Hit the accelerator and the car pulls
forward with authority. Freeway on-ramps become one hell of a lot of fun.
And it’s all-day comfortable. Tesla’s built a great road trip machine.

It isn’t perfect. I find it distracting to have a 17-inch touchscreen
display in my peripheral vision at all times, especially since that’s how
you control just about everything in the car (though basic things like
changing the radio volume can be done via buttons on the steering wheel).
The car also lacks features like adaptive cruise control typically found in
cars approaching six figures. And the interior, though beautifully styled
and richly appointed, lacks the utility needed for a long haul. There are
just two cup holders (in a five passenger car) and not nearly enough cubbies
and bins for things like phones, wallets and all the stuff young kids travel

Turns out finding someplace to stash your iPad is trickier than finding
someplace to charge the battery. Yes, if you live in the middle of nowhere
or want to explore, say, the Badlands or Bryce Canyon, you are indeed out of
luck. But it’s not the hassle you think it is. Tesla is rolling out a
network of Superchargers that it claims will put 98 percent of the country’s
population within range of station by the end of next year. It’s already got
98 stations nationwide right now, most of them along the coasts and
meandering along the primary northern and southern cross-country routes. The
Model S has an excellent navigation system that makes them easy to find. I
made my way up and down the coast by typing “Supercharger” into the search
bar and using each station as a waypoint. They’re located near restaurants
and other amenities, and the idea is you’ll plug in, stretch your legs, grab
a bite and maybe chat with fellow EV’ers.

“I’ve found a camaraderie among the owners I’ve met at the Supercharger
stations,” says Terry Finan, who lives in New Jersey and has driven his S as
far as Cape Cod, Mass.; Washington, D.C.; and Montreal.

The downside to this growing infrastructure is it’s available only to Tesla
owners, whose cars use a proprietary plug. For the rest of us, there is a
growing network of public charging stations. We’ve already got more than
8,300 public charging stations nationwide (more than 20,000 outlets in all)
and more on the way. Many campgrounds let EV drivers use the 50-amp,
240-volt hookups set aside for RVs. And if all else fails, you can always
plug into a 110 outlet somewhere. It’ll take hours, but it’ll get you going.

Immediate Range Anxiety

My plan was to take Highway 101 out of San Francisco to San Jose, then swing
over Highway 152 to Interstate 5 for the long haul to L.A. I figured I’d
make two Supercharger stops along the way so I’d have plenty of juice to
explore L.A. without needing to top off before heading home. For the return
leg, I’d take Highway 1 up the coast or Highway 101, taking my time to enjoy
the scenic route and charge as needed. I expected to cover around 800 miles
and charge up five times, four if I got lucky.

I set off on a Friday afternoon with 256 miles of range and headed for a
Supercharger station in Coalinga, 182 miles away. Range anxiety set in
immediately. Every one of the 168,000 gas stations that dot our vast country
were completely useless to me. I continuously calculated what I call the
buffer zone: The difference between how far the car can go and how far I
needed to go. I quickly learned that number shrinks significantly when
you’re in traffic (lots of stopping and starting means lots of wasteful
acceleration), driving especially fast (80 mph and up), or running the A/C
on high.

On the first hour of my drive, I hit mild traffic and watched my buffer zone
start to slip away. Panic set in. I pictured myself sitting on the side of
the road in a dead Tesla, waiting for a tow. But once the road cleared up
south of San Jose, the rated range—prominently displayed in the middle of
the speedometer—started correlating with the distance I planned to cover and
my buffer stabilized. I relaxed and began to enjoy the drive.

Anxiety hit a few more times over the weekend. The worst moment came on the
road leading from Highway 1 to the Supercharger station in Atascadero, about
midway to San Francisco. As I wound my way uphill, I watched my battery life
fall away faster than America’s World Cup hopes. Hauling a 4,600-pound sedan
uphill takes a lot of electricity, even with a light touch on the go pedal.
Sweating—because I was nervous, and because I’d long since turned off the
energy-sucking A/C—I arrived with a mere 13 miles of range, far less than
what I had anticipated. I’d made it, but it’d nearly given me an aneurysm.
It was the low point of my weekend.


The lesson there is electric road tripping requires carefully managed
expectations and a few sacrifices. You may set off with a 50 mile gap
between your destination and the car’s projected range, but driving at 80
mph, blasting the air conditioner, or going uphill will eat away at that
buffer. You have to carefully map your route beforehand and not deviate too
much, which means you may not be able to take that side trip to see the
world’s largest ball of string (FWIW, I’ve seen it, and it’s not worth the
gas or electricity). I scrapped my original idea of driving back on Highway
1 because all the closest Supercharger stations are along 101 and 5.

“You do need to do a bit of planning before taking a road trip,” says John
Sergeant, a Model S owner in New Jersey who has driven as far as North
Carolina and Kentucky. He used Superchargers for part of that drive, and
found other spots—including a Cracker Barrel restaurant in Tennessee—to
charge up along the way.

Finan, who upgraded from a BMW 535i to a Model S, says he develops a “flight
plan” for long drives, identifying charging locations and tracking his
charging times, distance and energy use. He had no trouble making a haul
from Montreal to New Jersey, though it required going just 62 mph and
keeping the heat off even though it was 47 degrees out. Charlie Changchien,
another New Jerseyean, has driven to Alabama and back, making the 2,200-mile
trip in an S with the smaller 60 kilowatt-hour pack and a range of “just”
208 miles.

Of course, these guys are early adopters, the true believers willing to make
sacrifices. For most of us, driving without heat (or A/C) is a non-starter.
It just ain’t gonna happen. But life with an EV doesn’t have to be that

On my trip, I drove 1,019 electric miles and stopped to charge six times.
(Poor math skills, last-minute itinerary changes and two friends’ insistence
on being chauffeured in the S required one more charging session than
planned.) No, I couldn’t follow the exact route I wanted. Yes, stopping
every three hours was a bit annoying. And I arrived in LA and back home in
San Francisco a couple of hours later than planned.

But despite all of that, I got where I was going, and I had fun. Better
planning would have made thing go more smoothly, but that’s usually the case
with any road trip. Nothing goes according to plan. The added time on the
road let me see more of the countryside, and the frequent stops kept me
rested and relaxed. I even caught up on some reading. All in all, it was
relaxing and fun.

In other words, it was a perfect road trip.

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