On 14 Jul 2014 at 7:25, Marc de Piolenc via EV wrote:

> I take it that hybrid discussion is now allowed?

Uhhh .... weeelllll .... let's just say this :

1. The "factory hybrids" are pretty well covered in many of their own forums 
on the net, so I've never seen much need to discuss them here.

2. Any vehicle which can't by default use electricity from an external 
source - that is, which gets all its motive energy directly from a primary 
fuel, such as gasoline, diesel fuel, CNG, LPG, coal, or even a biofuel - is 
for EVDL purposes not an EV, and thus not part of the discussion here.  

OTOH, the EVDL has often discussed homebrew ICE APUs for EVs.  

It seems to me that this "free piston" thread is kind of in a grey area.  
Such a device might have some promise for an EV APU.  Toyota seems to be 
suggesting that they see it that way.  Ah, but Toyota has shown itself to 
not be a very EV-friendly company. ("You never have to plug it in.") 

Soooooo ..... hmmmmm.  What d'y'all think?  Is this thread over the line or 

David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
EVDL Administrator

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