Hi gang,

I've been adding content to the Sunrise EV website in an effort to make it more useful. I just added documentation on the Henney Kilowatt rectactor controller (the earliest solid-state controller that I know of).

I'm no web designer, so I stick with simple HTML4 for everything to keep it simple and small. I tried something new here, and am wondering if it works on other people's computers.

If you have a moment, go to http://www.sunrise-ev.com and about halfway down the page under Recent Updates, click the "Motor Controllers" link. That should take you to the controllers page. Halfway down that page is the Henney schematic. It has a series of clickable links for off, start, slow, medium, fast, etc. Clicking them should change the schematic to show the current paths in red for each speed.

If they work, great! If there's a problem, could you send me an email (off list at leeah...@earthlink.net) so I can figure out what I'm doing wrong and fix it? Thanks!
An engineer can do for a nickel what any damn fool can do for a dollar.
        -- Henry Ford
Lee Hart's EV projects are at http://www.sunrise-ev.com/LeesEVs.htm
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