From: Peri Hartman
> Is it possible to use multiple coils to focus the "beam"?

Magnetic fields are devilishly difficult to direct or focus.

With electricity, we have great conductors (copper, silver, etc.) and great 
insulators (air, plastics, etc.) There are *many* orders of magnitude 
difference in their conductivity, so we can tightly control where the current 

With magnetics, we have no good conductors, and no good insulators. It's as if 
our best electrical conductor was carbon (which we make resistors out of), and 
our best insulator was water (which conducts pretty well, especially if dirty). 
Imagine trying to make a circuit work where the conductors are all carbon, and 
it's submerged in water, which partially shorts everything to everything else!

(Superconductors can give us good magnetic insulators; but they don't work 
except at cryogenic temperatures).

> I don't know wave theory but I believe directional radio transmitters work
> by having two or more antennas. Can something similar be done with inductive 
> coils?

Yes; sort of. Every electric field inevitably has a magnetic field, and vice 
versa. That's why we call it "electromagnetics". However, for these fields to 
act like waves, which we can focus and direct like light, the frequencies need 
to be very high. The elements of a directional antenna need to have dimensions 
on the order of 1/4 wavelength or more.

Wavelength (in meters) = 300 / Frequency (in MHz). At 100 MHz (the frequency of 
FM radio and the old VHF television), the wavelength is about 3 meters -- so a 
1/4 wave antenna is about 0.75 meters or 30" long. It's not too hard to make 
antennas with multiple elements in parallel to focus and direct these 
frequencies (like the traditional TV antennas that look like giant metal combs).

At 1 MHz (the AM radio broadcast band) the wavelength is about 300 meters; thus 
the tremendously high towers needed to effectively transmit it (the whole tower 
is the antenna). It's hopeless to make receiving antennas this big. We have to 
use far smaller antennas, that are far less efficient and require substantial 
amplification to work.

The inductive chargers mentioned here are using 85 KHz. The wavelength is on 
the order of 3500 meters! It's impossible to direct such frequencies with the 
techniques used for radio antennas.

Vicor makes switchmode converters that operate just over 1 MHz; about the 
highest practical frequency for state of the art switchmode converters. They 
had to go to heroic lengths to get their transformers to operate with 
reasonable efficiency (90%). Such frequencies are not yet practical for high 
power converters.

Lower frequency transformers are more efficient. Conventional 60 Hz 
transformers can be over 99% efficient, if you use enough copper and iron. But 
to do so, they require *very* tight coupling between the primary and secondary 
-- minimal gap between them. This is the opposite of the requirement to have 
some separation between primary and secondary as imposed by the wireless 
charging proponents.

I think the only way to make a practical "wireless" charger will be to use more 
or less ordinary frequencies, and mechanically position the primary and 
secondary coils as close as possible. This means either moving the car's 
secondary coil or the charging station's primary coil so they touch.

Excellence does not require perfection. -- Henry James
Lee A. Hart now includes the GE EV-1
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