On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 11:58 AM, Ben Goren <b...@trumpetpower.com> wrote:

> On Jul 24, 2014, at 5:41 AM, Collin Kidder <coll...@kkmfg.com> wrote:
> > We've mostly been focused on trying to support the higher end OEM
> controllers we've been getting out of bankrupt companies and salvage.
> Then...can you point me in the direction of a supported controller worth
> considering for this project, or at least how I'd go about making an
> intelligent choice?
> I'm not completely opposed to the idea of pioneering generic 5 V
> controller support, but it's not my area of expertise, so it likely
> shouldn't be the only option I consider.
> b&

I still have a DMOC645 controller I'm looking to sell so that's always a
good option according to me. ;) But, I don't have a spare motor for it.
People are constantly selling the motors. Jack at EVTV has Coda UQM motors
and controllers and might be getting more in the future. They are expensive
but quite powerful. Also, UQM motors are fairly light and small for their
power. Those two controllers would be the controllers we currently have
support for. There is also a Brusa controller that is supported but it's
very expensive and probably hard to acquire in the US.

If you are going to try the 5V route you really might consider the Open
Revolt as Joe suggested. You might be able to cut the GEVCU out entirely
that way if you can modify the code for the OR controller. However, series
DC motors are not well renowned for their easy ability to do regen so if
you'd hoped to use the motor as part of the braking system then that won't
work. DC controllers and motors tend to be cheaper which can be a positive
thing. I'm not actually that partial to the low voltage / high amperage
pathway that DC motors tend to take but to each his own. I believe you can
buy assembled Open Revolt controllers which might be a good idea if you
don't normally do this sort of thing.

The choice might come down to what you trust. Coda is out of business.
Azure Dynamics (maker of the DMOC) is out of business. You aren't getting
commercial support for either controller. But, Open Revolt was built by
hobbyists - so far as I know they're all still alive so that's promising.
I'm sure you will find plenty of help whichever way you go.
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