On Fri Jul 25 16:29:35 PDT 2014 ev@lists.evdl.org said:
>On Jul 25, 2014, at 3:51 PM, "Roland" <e...@msn.com> wrote:
>> I thought someone contacted you about there Nissan Leaf battery packs.  I 
>> click up there site that was sent to you (hybrid auto center.com) and one 
>> battery pack is rated at 182V nominal at 12kw/h.  Contains 24 modules at 
>> 7.8V/60ah each for $2490.00 each.
>I think I had passed over that due to the voltage being over the 144 limit I 
>keep seeing for the AC-51 motors with Curtis controllers, and I think at the 
>time I passed over them I still hadn't warped my head 'round the math and 
>wasn't sure how to get to the current and power targets. Thanks for the 
>reminder; I'll put them back into the mix again.

Just re-arrange the pack as needed.
I'm using 120 of the Nissan Leaf modules, arranged as 40 sets of 3 in parallel.
They have several different sizes of pack, and sometimes loose modules.


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