Worth repeating.

Also, I believe NREL has released charts with the various assumptions, and 

You'll find national power mix, CA power mix, H2 from SMR, H2 from renewables, 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 28, 2014, at 10:30 PM, Mike Nickerson via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:
> https://greet.es.anl.gov/
> I have looked at it in the past.  One thing to look at when someone reports 
> results of the model:
> Everything is configurable in the model.  Make sure the assumptions about 
> generation and usage are well understood (either left to defaults or well 
> documented).  It is very easy to sway the outcome with changes in assumptions.
> In many cases, the changes can be realistic, but they need to be vetted.  For 
> example, running the model for Idaho, the electrical grid is more than 50% 
> renewable and less than 30% coal.  Those assumptions for New York would be 
> very wrong.  I believe the defaults are national averages.
> Mike
>> On July 28, 2014 7:33:57 PM MDT, Cor van de Water via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> 
>> wrote:
>> All data I have seen till now shows that emissions go up with the
>> indroduction of H2, due to the low efficiency well-to-wheels of
>> creating
>> H2.
>> So, it is considered not just a very difficult energy carrier, but also
>> inefficient, besides being very costly in roll out.
>> If you have data to the contrary, I am interested in vetting it (since
>> it is easy to mislead with cherry-picked info). My mind is open, I tend
>> to decide
>> based on data. Fan-boy? Not so much.
>> Got a link for that GREET model?
>> Cor van de Water
>> Chief Scientist
>> Proxim Wireless Corporation http://www.proxim.com
>> Email: cwa...@proxim.com Private: http://www.cvandewater.info
>> Skype: cor_van_de_water Tel: +1 408 383 7626
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Mark Abramowitz [mailto:ma...@enviropolicy.com] 
>> Sent: Monday, July 28, 2014 6:27 PM
>> To: Cor van de Water; Electric Vehicle Discussion List
>> Subject: Re: [EVDL] Tesla might Supercharge EVs to regain 400mi in
>> 15min
>> for7 credits
>> You are horribly mistaken if you believe that FCEVs increase current
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