On Nov 20, 2014, at 5:04 AM, Paul Dove via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:

> The problem is not charging time. The problem is the electrical power grid 
> cannot supply the energy to charge a car in 10 minutes

I think we've already had this conversation. The brute force solution is to 
have a similar battery in the charging station that gets charged however fast 
the grid can charge it, and the battery in the charging station dumps its 
charge to the one on the vehicle as fast as those two can handle it.

It would only be of interest to homeowners if the off-car battery was used to 
store excess rooftop solar electricity generation and for grid power outages 
and the like -- not a very large market, at least for now.

But it would very much be of interest to roadside charging stations. It's not 
hard to imagine such a place ripping out the underground gas tanks and 
replacing them with a similar volume of banks of batteries. So long as the 
station's grid connection can handle the _average_ daily current draw, with 
enough batteries the station can supply _peak_ current draws well in excess of 
the grid can without any trouble. The station only has to provide that peak 
power for a minute or two at a time, after all, and has all the rest of the 
time until the next car pulls up to recharge its own batteries from the grid.

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