Hi Robert and All,
                        The best place for EV charge stations is on utility 
power poles by the utilities.  It's the low cost easy to do solution.  Just 
drop a line to a 4 unit station would cost them just $1k to do.  Well placed 
units would pay for themselves in a yr.                           It's what Bob 
Rice, etc did in the first cross country EV race.  They requested temp pole 
drops from utilities all across the country to do it in the 70's?               
            Especially for apartments, city,  shopping centers, businesses, etc 
seems to be the best choice by those expert at high power.                      
     And leaves it ready to do V2G which is only 5 yrs away if they are smart. 
Utilities are losing demand despite more, larger homes, buildings and people.   
EIA US Utility Output  Report to solar and eff.                             And 
EV's is their last chance to reverse that.
                                          Jerry Dycus                           
       From: Robert Bruninga via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org>
 To: Electric Vehicle Discussion List <ev@lists.evdl.org> 
 Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 1:25 PM
 Subject: Re: [EVDL] EVLN: Hand-wringing EV angst (parking meters)
I have looked for used parking meters to make them into EV L1 charging
outlets but simply cannot find them.  Yet the old mechanical ones are
being replaced by themillions by new gadgetry.  Where are they all going?

I found one in an antique shop, but the owner seemed to think it was made
out of Gold.  I am sure cities excess the old ones for scrap metal prices.

IF ANYONE CAN FIND A SOURCE, we could really move EV's forward by adding
an L1 outlet to th em.


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