I would like to hear what people have to say on all the topics I have seen
so far.  This list would be far less useful to me if it is limited to BEV.

The possible exception is over unity.  Those can be fun to watch, but
ultimately dismissing them makes sense as they are a waste of time.  In the
interest of being decent humans, I would be happy to ignore a single
educational posting that the idea is a non-starter due to basic physics.
Invite them to learn about non-thermodynamics breaking processes.  But tell
them they have to learn or get banned.

I delete or ignore things I don't have an interest in.  I don't expect
others to have the same interests or education, so it makes sense to be
relaxed, and so I am.

I also want to shout out to Bruce about his great work with the stream of
EV news.


Michael E. Ross
(919) 550-2430 Land
(919) 576-0824 <https://www.google.com/voice/b/0?pli=1#phones> Google Phone
(919) 631-1451 Cell
(919) 513-0418 Desk

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