Hi Robert and All,                         Just 3 of those 
would power my tiny retirement home and lightweight EV's for 25 yrs for $500 in 
panels offgrid!                          Since it is a 34' trimaran in Fla it's 
perfect as my main load, A/C, follows solar output near perfectly. And it has 
E- drive .                                                 One reason to finish 
the E woody and generator was to go down to see sunelec and these lams as 250 
miles away.   I don't mind building frames, junction boxes  at those prices.    
                    Though they are 72vdc nom.                        I see 
prices have dropped again as they are offering full 3-10kw gridtie kits with UL 
panels for $1.3-$1/wt!  Just have a local electrician to permit, install. 
Payback most everywhere would be 2 yrs or 50% ROI/yr for 25 yrs!!   Where else 
are you going to make that interest?                        EV's getting 
cheaper, better batteries now very low cost solar to power them.  It's what the 
Saudi's are so worried about they said 35 yrs ago would happen if oil prices 
got too high. They held the line on prices for 20 yrs until demand outstripped 
supply. Now with the tiny 1% surplus causing this price fiasco they have power 
again for a while, not longer than 2 yrs as the economy will recover because of 
lower oil prices.                      One thing on installing solar, Don't do 
it on the roof unless no other choice. Instead make a carport, patio, lanai, 
shed, awnings, fence as Robert mentioned, etc makes it easier, cheaper to 
install and has added value too.
                                                 Jerry Dycus                    
                                                      From: Robert Bruninga via 
EV <ev@lists.evdl.org>
 To: ev@lists.evdl.org 
 Sent: Tuesday, February 3, 2015 2:17 PM
 Subject: [EVDL] Solar Panels for vehicles?
The reason I mention these solar panels on the EV list is because these are
without frames. Maybe easier to mount on a truck?


Here are some 435 Watt solar panels (81” by 41”) that are only 39 cents a
watt compared to home solar panels down to about 55 cents a watt (were
$4/watt when I got my first ones 4 years ago.  That is a 10-to-1 reduction
in just 4 years.

Meaning they are only a fraction of an inch thick instead of having a frame
that is 1.5” thick.  So they could mount flat to a vehicle IF you had
almost 7 feet by 4 feet of flat surface.  Doubt they would be any good on
anything but a truck.  But the price is amazing.

I think they do not have a connection box, and hence the low price.  You
have to dig out the laminated contact strips and solder to them (and you
must include the three bypass diodes too).

P.S.  I do NOT lament the fact that I paid almost 6 times as much for
standard panels only 4 years ago, because the difference has already been
made up in 4 years of free electricity.

This is an important concept for solar.  It make no sense to wait.  At any
given day’s lowest prices, the future lower prices will be made up for by
all the free power  you get instead of waiting.  And already solar panels
are cheaper than windows of the same size, so they just cannot get much
cheaper…  And you stop burning fossil fuel the day you turn them on.

P.S.  From the same supplier in Miami, they even have panels as low as 24
cents a watt.  But these are the low efficiency ones, so you need about 2.6
times as much space for the same power (but at half the cost).  Only useful
if you have unbelievable roof space.

P.P.S.  One person suggested these last panels are not much more than the
cost of a FENCE.  And so his HOA prevents him from putting up any fence to
shield him from his a$$ of a neighbor, but the state does not allow an HOA
to block solar panels.  So this guy said he would gladly buy the panels
just to block his neighbor and the power would just be free on the top!

P.P.P.S.  Amazingly covering the curved roof of my prius cost $10/watt in
2008 almost 20 times as much.  But the only way to do that is with smaller
1’ square modules and these (non-home style) have not changed in price
hardly AT ALL in the same 7 years!  They still cost about $10/watt.
Meaning all the cost reductions in solar are simply due to volume
production and that, only for home and commercial sized panels.

Bob, WB4aPR
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