Even I would balk at that!  $25,000 per charging station when a $15 GFCI
ouitlet from Home Depot can do the same thing most of the time!

> http://www.mantecabulletin.com/section/140/article/120539/
> PG&E wants ratepayers to pay bill for $653M in car chargers
> The state’s biggest utility wants to install 25,000 electric car charging
> stations across Northern and Central California and have customers foot
> the bill.

> More than 60,000 plug-in electric vehicles are currently registered in
> PG&E’s service area in Central and Northern California.
> But there are only 1,991 charging stations statewide, according to the
> U.S.

Lets see.  That's 1 public charger already exists for every 30 EV's already.
Or about 3%..  Yep  That coincidently matches the State of Maryland's
determination that 97% of all charging at work can be done from standard
120v outlets while vehicles are parked at work..

EV's are not optimum nor designed for distant travel.  Throwing money at the
problem to try to make EV's distant travlers will disappoint EVERYONE and in
the long run undermine EV acceptance.  We need to focus on educating the
public that EV's are best used for local travel and commuter cars.

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