On Feb 12, 2015, at 8:08 AM, EVDL Administrator via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> 

> They offer something that dramatically and powerfully compensates for the 
> utility handicap

I think that recent viral video of the Tesla trouncing the Dodge in a drag 
race, especially accompanied by the other videos of, for example, a Dodge 
aficionado urging people to not even consider going head-to-head with anything 
electric because they'll make the Dodge look bad...well, for an awful lot of 
people with testosterone poisoning, that's going to do the trick.

Once the big automakers start making electric versions of their pony cars that 
out-race the top-of-the-line gasoline models, so long as the electric versions 
have at least the range of a Leaf and are somewhere in the middle (even upper 
middle) of the price range...at that point, almost nobody who buys such a car 
is going to want anything other than the electric version.

As of about a week or so ago, the general public is starting to realize that, 
if you want to win races, you've gotta have an electric vehicle; gasoline just 
doesn't cut it any more. Pretty soon, that's going to mean that driving a 
gasoline-powered car is going to be a sign of emasculation and embarrassment, 
with all the glory going to those who drive EVs.

> It abruptly becomes crushingly expensive and/or extremely inconvenient to get 
> fuel for an ICEV.

I notice that gas prices are already soaring after their extended stay below 
$2/gal. My prediction, which is mine, is that not only is this the last time 
we'll ever see gas that cheap...but that this is the first of the big price 
spikes. I expect prices to begin fluctuating, with a constant roller-coaster 
ride starting now.

And prices don't need to be especially high in such circumstances to make 
gasoline undesirable. Just the unpredictability and uncertainty alone will make 
people want to avoid it. Even if we just bounce back and forth between $2 and 
$4, people will still freak out. As they should....


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