Aside from the grousing problem any manufacturer has offering newer

Part of the trouble for Tesla is their long backlog (a lot of development
goes on while you wait).  And the other is the high entry cost.

Apple or another tech manufacturer can roll out upgrade after upgrade, but
there is no wait (or nothing like a Tesla wait anyway), the customer goes
in the store and walks out with what they want.  They know, given the pace
of consumer electronics, that the widget will soon enough be a lesser
model.   You can sell it off or trade it in on a new one for a few hundred

None of that works with a $70K+ auto.  You pay like that, you don't want
someone else soon having a bigger one to swing.  It is unreasonable to
expect that your new thing stays new.  Then there is the mine is better
than your cache that has grown around Tesla vis a vis "lesser" autos.  You
think you are going to be a bad ass, but someone who simply waited longer
has a better car.  Waaah-waah.

I think this is a minor detail for Tesla.  You don't want unhappy customers
who have the credit to buy, but I don't see a way around this problem.  Can
you really go back to an ICE after?

On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 5:40 PM, EVDL Administrator via EV <> wrote:

> If Tesla really did assure these customers that the changes they wanted
> weren't imminent, then I have to agree that they're in the wrong.
> That said, IMO, this situation - buyers asking whether an upgrade is
> imminent - requires a very careful response from Tesla (or any tech
> oriented
> manufacturer or dealer, really).  It's easy for a potential buyer to hear
> what he wants to hear at that moment, and re-interpret it later.  At the
> very least, they should have been noncommittal when asked.

To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk.
Thomas A. Edison

A public-opinion poll is no substitute for thought.
*Warren Buffet*

Michael E. Ross
(919) 585-6737 Land
(919) 576-0824 <> Google Phone
(919) 631-1451 Cell
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