Maybe other delivery companies may change there thinking.  This last week, I 
was sitting in a café and saw a UPS (not a USPS) van drove by. Saw the word 
ELECTRIC in large dark letters on the side of the vehicle.  It's the only one I 
saw that had this word on it.  All the others did not.  


This town Great Falls, Montana is not large.  To drive to one end of the town 
to the other end is about 10 miles.  I only charge my Li Ion battery pack about 
once a week which still takes less than a hour.


I have read sometime ago, that is going to build a electric 
vehicle assembly plant here in the U.S. because there is a demand for large 
delivery vehicles. It was stated they have orders for 40,000 telephone and 
communication service vehicles.  





----- Original Message ----- 

From: EVDL Administrator via EV<> 

To: Electric Vehicle Discussion List<> 

Sent: Friday, March 20, 2015 10:27 PM

Subject: Re: [EVDL] [SPAM?] EVLN: Will replacement USPS mail-trucks beElectric?

On 20 Mar 2015 at 8:53, tomw via EV wrote:

> The USPS has a long history of testing electric vehicles, starting in
> the late 1800's:
> Looks like it was mainly the suppliers who were responsible for them
> not being implemented. 

So THEY say.  With all due respect, I'm more inclined to buy Lee Hart's 
account.  It fits in with what I've read in other places, particularly about 
maintenance people deliberately sabotaging EVs.  

For example, though I can't recall any more whether it was USPS mechanics or 
others, I remember reading about maintenance staff watering flooded lead 
batteries by spraying them with a garden hose.  Even if it wasn't at the 
USPS, it's the kind of treatment that EV-hating mechanics have long visited 
on EVs when they were added to ICEV fleets.

I used to think that education would fix this.  Having seen how calcified 
many of these minds are, though, I no longer believe that that's going to be 
very effective.  IMO, the only way to fix anti-EV sentiment in the USPS or 
anywhere else is for an EV-positive leader to take over the job, probably at 
the highest level, and JUST  DO IT.  He or she should give the naysayers - 
managers, drivers, maintenance crew, whatever - one chance to start doing 
their jobs right, whether they agree with EVs or not.  If they don't, sack 
'em and hire people who will.

David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
EVDL Administrator

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