On Mar 24, 2015, at 3:36 PM, Michael Ross via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:

> So which is better? 90% efficient
> for EVs versus 20% efficient for ICE.

...and that assumes that EVs are forever stuck with getting their electricity 
from coal-fired plants. I'd bet a suitable beverage that coal represents the 
minority of electricity going into EVs today, due in no small part to the early 
adopters being overwhelmingly likely to have solar panels on their rooftops.

That is, a great many EVs on the road right now really are solar-powered cars 
with truly zero CO2 emissions.

Plus, basically everybody in the Southwest who charges overnight...is driving a 
nuclear-powered car with the electricity coming from Palo Verde. Questions of 
environmental friendliness aside, nuclear power is free of CO2 emissions as 

Anybody who tries to paint EVs as horrible CO2 polluters is a shill for the 
Koch Brothers, whether wittingly or otherwise.

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