> ... it seems to me that converting the methane to H2 has to have the
same emissions at the plant that you would get at the tailpipe when
burning the methane in an ICE.

Efficiency also includes economics of hardware.  Yes, We will have H2
(mostly from excess peak solar and wind dumping), but it is far more
efficient "economically" to then burn that H2 back to electricity AT THE
PLANT in one big highly efficient generator than it is to take that HUGE
supply of H2, and dribble it out all over the country through tiny (leaky)
pipes to the far ends of the earth to non-existing H2 filling stations to
then try to use in tiny little inefficient fuel cells begin carried around
in EV's (FCV's are EV's + a hydrogen tank + a fool cell).

Fare better to dribble out the energy of that BULK of H2 into the EXISTING
grid to every one of the 60 million American homes to drive their EV's

> The only thing that changes is the location of the emissions.  True?  If
it isn't true, why not?  What am I missing?


Hope that helps.
Bob, Wb4APR
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