Can the auto builder stop you from working on your car???, They can pas that 
kind of assanighn bill if they want, but who will enforce it? . Its your 
car/truck, you paid for it, and you over paid for it to begin with . The 
aftermarket lobby will shut it down faster than a wet fart on a hot day . 
Following it to the letter, a oil change not with the builders specks will be 
against the law? LOLOL clowns, thats whats this is all about, what clown can 
make the most noise . sounds more and more like " Atlas shrugged" , The Govt 
will tell you what to drive, where you can drive, What time you can drive, If 
you can work on your car, where to buy parts and supplies , Then you will have 
to over pay for a "special, never seen on this planet", spark plug . or gizmo 
or do-dad they demand you replace at the builders dealer garage 

It may happen, if the Feds get their way, and they almost do..."for the good of 
the people" BS is what I say, they can kiss my ass 
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