Paul Dove wrote:
When I built mine I did a spread sheet.

Ben Goren via EV wrote:
Any chance you have a copy handy and would be willing to share?

Here is a copy of the Excel spreadsheet I use for my performance calculations. This is a "dead" version for email purposes (filled out for my 1980 LeCar / Lectric Leopard EV), but it shows the equations for the calculations. Ben, I can send a "live" version to your email address if you like (let me know off-list).

Renault LeCar HP vs. Speed Calculations                 by: Lee Hart

HP = rolling resistance + power train loss + aerodynamic drag

where   rolling resistance = R W V / 375                                
        R = tire roll resistance        0.008
        W = vehicle weight, lbs.        2306
        V = velocity, mph               5

        power train loss = C W V^2 / 375
        C = loss coefficient            0.0002
        I^2R, gear, bearing, stirring etc.              

        aerodynamic drag = Cd A V^3 / 146,625
        Cd = drag coefficient           0.35
        A = frontal area, sq.ft.        18

motor   ADC L91   15 HP at   96 volts and   135 amps = 86% efficiency
batteries       12 Concorde     12 v each       weight (lbs)    63
        33% of curb wt  144 v total     amp-hrs (20-hr rate)    95
        175 minutes at  25 amps         Peukert amp-hrs         104
        621 minutes at  8 amps          Peukert exponent        1.11

MPH     25      30      35      40      45      50      55      60
MotorHP 2.67    3.74    5.07    6.69    8.62    10.91   13.57   16.66
Eff.    66%     72%     77%     81%     84%     85%     86%     86%
WattsIn 3039    3863    4892    6160    7701    9554    11762   14373
Amps    22      28      36      45      56      70      86      105
Minutes 200     153     118     91      71      56      45      36
Miles   83      77      69      61      54      47      41      36

A spreadsheet makes it easy to play "what if..." games. What if I add a battery? What if I change from lead-acid to lithium? What if I reduce the weight, or improve aerodynamics, etc.
A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is
nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
        -- Antoine de Saint Exupery
Lee Hart, 814 8th Ave N, Sartell MN 56377,
For EV drag racing discussion, please use NEDRA 

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