You could try using LeafSpy to check the battery condition.

Peri mentioned ventilating, but I would run it only when outdoor air temps are at least 5 degrees below indoor air temp. Night time pre-cooling for the following day, with added insulation.


On 5/31/2015 2:33 PM, Willie2 via EV wrote:
On 05/31/2015 02:03 PM, Ben Goren via EV wrote:
So, Dad just drove Mom home in a 2013 Leaf. ~12k miles, California vehicle; couldn't tell it from new. There was one bar missing from the charge gauge; the numeric meter read, "98%."

Everybody's excited. It should be well and truly perfect for them.

One thought I had that I'm hoping somebody might be able to shed some insight into...they'll be keeping the car in the garage, but the garage isn't climate controlled. It probably won't quite get to today's forecasted high of 108°F inside the garage, but it'll definitely get rather toasty.

I've come to believe that all Leaf instrumentation is intended to obfuscate.

I hope "2013" means they have the temperature controlled battery. But, the "one bar down" at only 12k miles is troubling. At ~20k miles I was "one bar down" but had only about 65% of original range. OTOH, the current owner of my Leaf is pleased with ~50 miles of range. Since my battery's initial degradation, we haven't had another terrible summer and the battery seems not to have degraded much in the past two years.

If your parents will be happy with ~50 miles, I imagine the car will serve them at least several years. "108 deg F" means you are in Arizona? Utah?

I believe the Leaf has a user settable charge level? If so, I would caution them to never fully charge in the hot season.

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