> I'm not understanding why you have a problem with Honda developing their
> line based on consumer demand, or the most profit.

There is the problem.  Our collective failure to understand that our maximum
approach to GREED and CONSUMPTION is simply unsustainable.

Maximizing Profit is pure greed especialy when it is done at the expense of
our future.  Of course, no CEO is going to be popular with his board of
directors unless he brings in the money.  But there is nothing in stone that
says Maximum consumption of our environment has to be the only way to

The best CEO's and companies will find a way to capitalize on the future and
to bring their customers into this new way of thinking.

That is the challenge!

And note, it is all driven by "perceived consumer demand"... well THAT IS

So it is incumbent on each of us that see's the clarity of EV transportation
as being one answer to future better living, should strive everyday to be
ambassadors of this future.. to our friends, neighbors, colleagues, etc.
They are the "demand" that drives greed.  WE must fix this.

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