my main question is if the solar charging will damage the existing 12 volt 
battery or do i need to put in a true deep cycle battery to replace it?  right 
now i'm thinking of using morningstar's smallest charge controller unless 
anyone else has a better idea
 That is strange, because 13V is too
 low to fully charge a lead-acid battery,
 especially when new, I have seen AGMs after being off-charge
 for a day, they
 still read 13.25V
 When I put lead-acid on a constant voltage (current limited)
 supply to recharge
 then I typically set it to at least 13.6V if occasionally
 the supply might be powered off
 or the battery disconnected, so it needs to recharge
 relatively fast, else I might
 set it to float at 13.5V and you will then see the float
 charge current go to a very low trickle.
 I wonder what the reason is that Nissan lowered the voltage
 to 13.0V
 Anyway, a solar charger is by definition a current limited
 device and low current at that,
 so it will typically drop to the DC/DC output voltage and
 only in case the vehicle is
 turned off a long time while the panel is constantly
 charging, might it be able to
 bring the battery voltage up to 13.5V or whatever voltage
 you regulate the panel output to.
 Cor van de Water
 Chief Scientist
 Proxim Wireless Corporation
 Skype: cor_van_de_water     XoIP:
 Tel: +1 408 383 7626        Tel: +91
 (040)23117400 x203
 -----Original Message-----
 From: EV on behalf of David Rees via EV
 Sent: Wed 7/15/2015 5:45 PM
 To: Electric Vehicle Discussion List
 Subject: Re: [EVDL] adding solar charging to 12 volt battery
 on LEAF
 On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 10:43 PM, Bill Dube via EV <>
 > If you have a good charge regulator with your solar
 panel, the rest of the
 > 12 volt system won't even know that the 12 volt is
 charging. You should buy
 > a charge regulator that "float" charges the battery at
 ~13.5 volts. You just
 > want to keep the 12 volt from going flat between uses.
 Just keep in mind that the LEAF only floats the battery at
 13.0V when
 the car is on most of the time. Not sure what will happen if
 you try
 to push the battery above that while the DC-DC inverter is
 on. It
 could be OK, but just beware.
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