If you charged at lots of different places, that could be true.  EVs can be 
tracked easier also because they often charge every day.  Most fuel cars fuel 
up once a week or so.

In my case, the best they will find out is that I go to work every weekday.  
Less since I got the Tesla.


On October 12, 2015 10:36:10 AM MDT, EVDL Administrator via EV 
<ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:
>On 12 Oct 2015 at 8:08, Mike Nickerson via EV wrote:
>> They will send you a text if there is
>> any anomaly during charging.  It will tell you if charging is
>complete, there
>> was a ground-fault error detected, or your car is unplugged.  They
>also have a
>> website where you can see the charging power real-time.
>Maybe it's just my tinfoil hat, but does it bother anyone here that
>commercial EVSEs have a pretty accurate record of where you drive?  Do
>companies disclose who has access to that record and when and why? 
>kind of security do their websites have to protect this personal
>from web pirates and script kiddies?
>If you use a credit card at the filling station, fueling an ICE is
>traceable.  But AFAIK that information isn't online, where someone with
>nefarious purposes might be able to break into it.
>Just wondering.  
>David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
>EVDL Administrator
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>Note: mail sent to "evpost" and "etpost" addresses will not 
>reach me.  To send a private message, please obtain my 
>email address from the webpage http://www.evdl.org/help/ .
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>Read EVAngel's EV News at http://evdl.org/evln/
>Please discuss EV drag racing at NEDRA

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Please discuss EV drag racing at NEDRA (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NEDRA)

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