On Nov 12, 2015, at 11:59 AM, Ing. Marco Antonio Gaxiola via EV 
<ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:

> Considering the rule of EVs efficiency of 250Watt-hr per mile on a 2500 lbs
> compact car,  May it apply same in order to calculate the energy efficiency
> of a prototype motorcycle?

We had this discussion a little while back. Motorcycles, as it turns out, have 
pretty miserable aerodynamics.

Your best bet for this sort of back-of-the-envelope sort of estimation would be 
to use ICE efficiency as a proxy. If you start with a car that gets about 30 
MPG and do an electric conversion and get a BEV that does 3 miles per kWh, you 
can figure that, if you start with a motorcycle that gets about 30 MPG...after 
electric conversion, it, too, will also do about 3 miles per kWh. (Pulling 
numbers out of my...ear...to illustrate the principle. I'm certain that's not 
the actual resulting relative efficiencies, but it shouldn't be *too* far off.)

There's lots you can do to improve the aerodynamics of a motorcycle, with a 
simple front fairing being the best bang for the buck. The ultimate expression 
of that would be the velomobile, a fully-faired recumbent bicycle that can 
cruise at freeway speeds with about the power consumption of an hairdryer. As 
in, champion cyclists can do it unassisted, at least for a little while...and 
weekend warriors can do it indefinitely with a single-kilowatt electric assist. 
To make math easy, figure 1500 W for 60 MPH, which gives you 40 miles per kWh 
or 0.025 kWh/mile.


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