On Nov 24, 2015, at 10:11 AM, Lee Hart via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:

> And of course, you have to expect that the batteries will get worse over 
> time. All batteries do.

True in practice for today's EVs, but _not_ true as an absolute rule. Iron 
Edison-style batteries have functionally limitless lifespans, though they're 
much too heavy for use in an EV. But the fact that it's possible to make an 
immortal battery at all should give us hope that somebody will figure out a way 
to make an immortal battery that's light and small enough to be useful in an EV.

It also seems that Tesla's batteries are significantly outliving their already 
optimistic projections. I think it's entirely reasonable to suggest that it 
won't be long before an EV's batteries are, for all intents and purposes, as 
long-lived as an ICEV's engine or transmission. When companies start offering 
ten-year / 100,000-mile warranties on batteries to maintain >= 80% new 
capacity, that's as much lifetime as they need. And it'll only keep getting 

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