On Nov 24, 2015, at 9:11 AM, Lee Hart via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:

>> 'Leaf’s depreciation is comparable to a pack of Sharpies left out in the sun
>> with their caps off'
> Hyperbole aside, the used price of something is irrelevant unless you need to 
> sell it.
Or if you want to buy it. I have no intention of selling my 2011 Leaf, but at 
the current price, it is a great deal for somebody who wants to buy one. 
Ignoring its electric drivetrain, it is a pretty nice car.   The electric 
drivetrain makes it a perfect commuter car.

Most households with multiple cars, has one that is used exclusively for a 
daily commute. The Leaf fits that role perfectly.  Pretty much everybody I know 
who got one for a commuter car also uses it as their main car for other things.

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