On 4 Feb 2016 at 12:39, dovepa via EV wrote:

> I disagree. Why do business with a person you expect to criticize your
> work? 

Because that critic has money, and you want some.

Because other people have money, and you want some, but they might not buy 
your product if you act like a jerk to customers.

I mean, look at what happened.  The customer said he had a bad experience at 
Tesla's introduction of the car.  Maybe he could have been more circumspect, 
but that's what you expect these days when anybody and his brother can put 
up a web site or a blog.

Did Musk say "Sorry, we'll make it up to you"?  Did he even say "Oops, 
sorry?"  Did he even just let it pass?  No, he said, in effect, "Humph, you 
dared to criticize us.  Screw you.  You can't buy our car."


If I were that customer, my reponse would be, "Yeah, screw YOU. You can't 
have my money."

I'm really surprised at the number of people here who've leapt to Musk's 
defense.  Seriously?  What if YOU had said something negative about Tesla 
and they did this to you?  What would you say then?

Tesla undoubedly make a really good EV.  I'm glad they're doing it.  But 
they can't act like they're the only game in town any more, not when GM has 
already scooped them for their $30k 200 mile EV.

Even if they didn't have competition, treating your customers this way is 
lousy marketing.  It's seriously thoughtless move when competition is 
heating up.  

What Musk did here is indefensible, a frankly childish action. If I were a 
major Tesla stockholder, I'd be livid right about now.

> Next think he'll be writing about how dissatisfied he is with the car.

If he IS dissatisfied, then well he should.  Other potential customers 
should know.

Tesla's smartest response to that would be to offer to buy his car back.

David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
EVDL Administrator

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