
'Mistake: we didn't top off before departing'

We took a Tesla Model S on a road trip and learned the hard way how it's
different from every other car
20160719  Matthew DeBord  images  / Matthew DeBord
Tesla Road Trip 2016  
Oh sure, everybody is happy now.
Last year, I drove one of my kids to camp in a BMW i3, an extended-range
electric vehicle that at the time was rumored to be a basis for the Apple

The trip went great, so I decided to make our annual camp sojourn to the
scenic Catskills in upstate New York a regular EV-paloooza. And what better
car to serve as our futuristic chariot this year than ... the Tesla Model S?

And not just any Model S, but a P90D with Ludicrous Mode: the baddest,
fastest, coolest Tesla in all the land. 

The idea was to see if this four-door luxury "family car" with
supercar-beating acceleration — 0-60 mph in 2.8 seconds, claimed — could
handle a journey of decent length (about 240 miles round trip) involving two
adults, three kids, and the gear of a pair of campers for two weeks.

Quite a test, eh? And with a few scheduled stops to dine, take in the sights
— and recharge the battery.

Our adventure began on a pleasant Sunday in July, just like last year, and
all initially went according to plan

Until it didn't.

The pearl white Tesla, equipped with everything, landed in the driveway of
out suburban New Jersey test car HQ.

My Prius [hev] was intimidated.
It was the Model S sedan ...

... in P90D trim. The "P" for "performance," the "90" for the 90 kWh battery
pack, and the "D" for a dual-motor, all-wheel-drive setup  / 

Just in case you needed a reminder: all-electric equals no tailpipe
The P90D is loaded with sexy extras, like this carbon-fiber spoiler ...
 ... and door handles that retract flush, but present themselves to you when
you get close by.

But enough about the fancy stuff. Can this ride handle a lot of gear? Well,
here's what the rear trunk swallowed up ...
... meeting my son James' approval.

And here's what we got into the "frunk," a front trunk that's there because
the Model S doesn't have a conventional engine.

James also dug the frunk!

Last year, the BMW i3 got us to our destination, but it did so at a lower
sticker price, about $50,000 less than the Model S P90D, and with less cargo
space. We only had one camper's gear to deal with for that trip.

We were all smiles as we saddled up in 2016.

The trio in the back was joyful.

My lovely wife was psyched.
I even pulled out my lucky hat.

It would shield me from the rays pouring in through that humongous sunroof.
Oh yeah, lucky hat!

We'd rely on Tesla's massive center touchscreen for all our infotainment and
navigation needs.

The trip would cover 117 miles, one-way.

The Model S when fully charged has 270 miles of range, enough to comfortable
make the journey up and back. But we wanted to investigate the charging
options along the way, so we didn't top off before departing. Still, almost
200 miles of range! Plenty, right? My plan was to get to camp, then head
over to a Tesla destination partner charging site, get enough juice to make
a Supercharger station on the return route, and be home by early evening.

We had Tesla innovative, redesigned cupholders to keep us company ...
... as well the old-school versions.
Ample storage for gadgets and chargers.
And classic rock!!!

The Model S has Tesla's simple digital instrument screen ...

... which can display various types of data.

Gorgeous weather to start!
And away we go!
Some threatening clouds along the route. Little did I suspect that there was
some dramatic foreshadowing afoot.
What road trip is complete without a stop at McDonald's?

Happy Meal, happy kid.
We arrive! But there's just one problem ...

I've screwed up my range calculations. We don't have enough to make the
closest partner charging station. The car was warning us of this, but we
needed to get the boys dropped off on time. So we took a chance and ended up

There's a cable in the truck of every Tesla that enables you to charge on
the fly. But there are no high-speed charging options up here in the middle
of nowhere in the Catskills. So we had to resort to the slowest option, good
old 120-volt, wall-socket-level rejuicing.

You plug into this small charging port at the left rear of the Model S.
No exactly the most scenic location. We had to ask the camp maintenance
staff to find us an outlet that we could use.

This one was down by a maintenance shed.
We are charging away ...
... and the Model S looks plenty sharp ...

... but we'll be getting only 1 mile per hour of charging! That's mega-slow.

A few hours, a few more miles in the battery, and we have enough to head
back through the lovely scenery to find lodging — and charging — for the
The Blue Hill Lodge was nearby.
There's a cafe and store.
And beautiful views of the Catskills heavens.
My son Dante had endured a long, rough day. He conked out over a plate of
chicken tenders and fries.
I enjoyed a delicious specialty of the house, small Russian dumpling covered
in sauteed onions and mushrooms, sprinkled with dill, plus a side of sour
cream. Totally hit the spot.
We retired to our quaint, blue-doored room.

And once again plugged into a basic outlet.
Still lookin' good, Model S!

By the next morning, at a charging rate of 3 miles per hour, we have enough
juice to make the closest partner charging location.

Off we go!
It's located at the charming Inn at Lake Joesph.
We're plugged in ...
... and drawing power again.

But this time, we're charging much faster. In a few hours, we'll have enough
power to get to the closest Supercharger location.

The inn beckons.
There's an alluring spread of breads, bagels, fruit, jams, and preserves, as
well as heartier breakfast fare.
The decor is soothingly old-fashioned.
And pre-Internet distractions.
But most importantly for me, a bottomless cup of coffee!
After breakfast, we retired to the billiards room ...
.. where I taught Dante the art of the hustle.

My wife took in the scenery.
Later, Dante reconnected with the modern world.
The Tesla, meanwhile, stayed connected to its power supply. Tesla has set up
these partner charging sites to provide relatively fast charging in more
places and to fill in some of the Supercharger gaps. A Tesla vehicle can
find them all using GPS and can calculate the state of its charge at all
time so you never end up like unlucky, stupid me. Trust the car!

I couldn't resist messing around with some of the high-tech Easter eggs,
including the famous Lotus submarine goof from the James Bond flick "The Spy
Who Loved Me" (Tesla CEO Elon Musk is a big Bond fan).

With 76 miles in the battery, we can comfortably get to the nearest

It's about 50 miles away, in Newburgh, NY.

Some of the route is over unimproved roads, so we saw how the AWD system
performed — and it performed just fine.
At last! Superchargers! We should have been here a whole day earlier.
I'm thrilled — and finally relieved. Our excellent adventure had become a
misadventure. But the car handled everything fantastically well: it was
fast, smooth, quiet, comfortable, roomy, the navigation was flawless, and
the infotainment options kept us entertained.

One hour on a Supercharger will get us a whopping 206 miles of range.

Bzzzzz ... electrons in, at high velocity! Go Supercharger, go!

Cosimo's restaurant is right there, and it's time for lunch.
They have one of these ...
.. and they used it to make one of these. Really tasty, some of the best
I've ever had. This is my new favorite Tesla Supercharger location.
I got myself fully fortified for the remainder of the trip ...

... and so did the Model S. Yep, almost a full charge for what's left of the

Tesla makes it abundantly clear how charging its vehicles works. You can
look it up ... in the car! We explored — unintentionally — three choices:
120V slow charging, destination partner charging at a faster rate, and
Supercharging. My takeaway? ALWAYS START WITH A FULL CHARGE. And then plan
to hit a partner charging spot or Supercharger along the way, with some
margin for error — say, 50 miles of range.

We made it home in style, and I returned the Tesla to its Brooklyn home. I
wonder what next year's camp trip will have in store for us?
[© 2016 Business Insider]

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