My electric recumbant trike is now on sale on Craigs list.  It seemed like
a fantastic idea for my 15 mile commute with 12 miles of it on a
rail-to-trail flat run.

But I only did it once.  I was scared to death on the 3 miles of suburban
roads to get to the traiil.  Looking right and left, all I could only see
were hubcaps.  My turning radius was worse than a prius.  It was a major
evolution to get up from the bikes 10" off the pavement bucket seat.
Futher with THREE wheels you stand a 100% chance of hitting every bump
there is. (compared to one wheel line of a conventional bike where you can
miss anything you want).

Bottom line, if anything even the slightest unsafe cropped up, I was going
to hit it and be dead meat.  The experience was nothing like riding a
normal bike where my  line of sight was 5 feet HIGHER and my center of
gravity was ABOVE the hood of any car I might hit (and I could roll over
it).  I could also turn on a dime, jump off the bike, duck, swerve, or
otherwise have a good cance of missing a hazard.

Nope.  Made no sense (to me). ... but only after I bought it and rode it


On Sat, Aug 13, 2016 at 2:29 PM, Lawrence Rhodes via EV <>

> David,
> It's a matter of money.  I am thinking of using a tandem recumbent bicycle
> with 20" wheels.  This should support 750watts of solar.  With a 7.5kw
> battery it will charge in 10 sunny hours.  As a moped class vehicle it will
> have a very long range.  I will probably make use of Zzipper fairing molded
> into the sides and bottom.  This will be moderately expensive.  Under 10k.
> Lawrence
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