On 28 Aug 2016 at 19:56, Peri Hartman via EV wrote:

> in order for this new roadbed to be useful, it must not absorb more
> energy than the old roadway ... that means it is possible to build a
> new roadway that absorbs less energy than what we currently drive on
> ... [why not] just eliminate P and... build new roads with
> energy-absorption S. Forget the piezos. 

Thank you Peri, this clarifies things, at least for me.

I compared this before to regenerative braking.  On second thought, that 
wasn't so good. When you slow down your vehicle, you WANT to decrease its 
kinetic energy.  Regen turns (some of) the KE into electricity instead of 
heat.  That's a good thing.

But this is different.  You've explained why very well.

David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
EVDL Administrator

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