Amazing that they would embark on such an effort without first talking to 

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 From: Rick Beebe via EV <> To: Electric Vehicle Discussion 
List <> Subject: Re: [EVDL] sez 'No' To 
Leaf-Group-Buy> ticking-off 3700+ EV buyers = a lose-lose Date: 8/29/16, 6:27 PM

One has to wonder if the people setting up the group buy pulled that  
target price out of their ass. I can sympathize with Nissan if that  
price is below wholesale or worse. Are you really losing "sales" if you  
would have to actually pay the people to take the cars? I would tout how  
much money I saved the company by not giving away the cars at a loss.  
And I doubt Tesla will want to tender a group buy for $20k per car when  
they've got 400,000 to sell at full list price first. 
On 8/29/2016 6:12 AM, brucedp5 via EV wrote: 
> In the first week of August, a group of EV lovers in Montreal, Canada set up 
> a group-buy effort for the Nissan LEAF. About 2,500 people initially signed 
> up for the group-buy deal and the number of interested buyers had climbed up 
> to 3,700 by the time their proposal reached the Nissan’s corporate HQ in 
> Canada. The main idea of the group buy was to use the strength of numbers 
> (almost 4000 orders) as a leverage to get massive discount on the sticker 
> price of the car. 
> The Nissan LEAF has a sticker price of $31,998 (CAD) for the S Trim. The 
> members in the group-buy deal were hoping that they could get Nissan to sell 
> the car at a $20,000 CAD each. However, in an “understandable” turn of 
> events,   Nissan Canada’s president has rejected the group buy offer and 
> effectively shut down the plan. 
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