On Air cars...

Too bad they can't be "charged" in the winter when the waste heat is 100%
usable for heat in th ebuilding where the compressor is, and then driven in
the summer when the expansion is free AC..

On Sat, Oct 1, 2016 at 8:34 PM, Cor van de Water via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org>

> I have reported before that almost 20 years ago I visited MDI in France,
> who were supposed to release an air-powered car. I checked their physics
> and came to the conclusion that without heat exchanger, their efficiency
> would be horrible and the air engine would freeze up. That is exactly
> what several news reporters have said once they took a slightly longer
> test run than just a loop in the parking lot. Physics is quite clear
> about the efficiency of compressing and expanding a gas like air. You
> invest a *lot* of power in the compression and get a *lot* of heat out
> at that moment. As Lee would say: heat is the indicator of
> (in)efficiency.
> Only if you are able to either store or feed that heat back in during
> expansion, can you get a decent efficiency. Since MDI did not design
> that in, their cars were doomed to be wasteful and since the compressed
> air storage has so low energy density, their range was short. There
> really was not a whole lot of difference compared to running batteries,
> though in theory the weight could be less and the absence of lead or
> acid or other dangerous materials was a benefit, but the lower
> efficiency made it a non-starter.
> There are niches where air powered vehicles were used, think mine
> corridors where no dangerous goods, sparks or combustion was a big
> benefit for the operation underground. Today we would use an AC
> (brushless) drive to avoid the sparks and achieve better efficiency.
> Cor van de Water
> Chief Scientist
> Proxim Wireless
> office +1 408 383 7626                    Skype: cor_van_de_water
> XoIP   +31 87 784 1130                    private: cvandewater.info
> http://www.proxim.com
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: EV [mailto:ev-boun...@lists.evdl.org] On Behalf Of EVDL
> Administrator via EV
> Sent: Saturday, October 01, 2016 4:51 PM
> To: ev@lists.evdl.org
> Subject: Re: [EVDL] Compressed Air
> On 30 Sep 2016 at 19:44, Michael Ross via EV wrote:
> > Can we discuss compressed air a a storage medium that can spin
> > electric motors in autos and trucks?
> Maybe, but I don't see how air can power a motor.
> We've had posts on compressed air cars before - check the archive - but
> those aren't EVs.
> See Wikipedia for a decent article on compressed air cars that explains
> why
> they've never made the big time despite nearly a century of tinkering
> witih
> the concept.  The problems are low efficiency and an energy density by
> volume that's worse than lead batteries.
> > Certain elements can be reformatted to higher energy states and then
> > reacted to power EV's.
> Isn't this how batteries work?
> > There is a particular reaction that could be used to store energy from
> > sustainable, but temporally irregular energy sources.  It is a very
> > simple reaction, readily available ingredients are found everywhere
> for
> > little cost.
> And that is ... ???
> > Technology exists to store the energy and release it, that is
> > sufficiently efficient (since there is no alternative other than to
> > waste solar and wind energy when it is inconveniently timed efficiency
> > becomes less concerning)
> As I understand it, batteries are the gold standard for efficiency in
> this.
> Between 20% and 80% SOC, lead batteries are close to 100% efficient.
> I'd guess that other types have similar ranges with similar efficiency.
> Air compressed in undergound mines has been used for utility load
> leveling.
> The programs so far have required natural gas input to warm the cold
> released air.  Their efficiency looks decent if you ignore the gas
> input.
> However, one source I read put the actual efficiency for air storage at
> 25-
> 45%.
> Pumped hydro is much more common and supposedly runs 60-85% efficiency,
> though I admit I find that hard to believe too.
> The island of El Hierro is now generating almost all of their
> electricity
> with wind, and storing it with pumped hydro.
> > compressed air could do this, but I would really prefer it was a
> > compressed reactive gas not just nitrogen and some other lesser
> > components.
> Can you explain why?
> > If this particular gas was used, an additional use is possible, we
> > could use to power EVs.
> What gas are you talking about?  It almost seems as if you're avoiding
> naming it.  Why all the mystery?
> David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
> EVDL Administrator
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