I ask the question in a previous post "does anyone know the start up sequence 
for an EV".  As I have seen in past posting the subject was very quickly 
changed to another subject. In this case, a heater burn up issue for the Think 
City Heater.  Please do not do this again.  Please, respect the post.  Thanks.

I will try again with very specific questions.

(1) How do you put an EV in the auxiliaries only position?  Does it have an ACC 
position as on older ICE car with a key?

(2) When in the ACC only position, can the battery charger be energized?  Can 
the AC or heater be energized?

(3) Do you need to have the brake pedal depressed to energize the inverter?  I 
think this is required to depress the START button.

(4) Is logic power (not HV) applied to the inverter if the car is in the ACC 

(5) Is the HV/12VDC converter energized in the ACC position?

(6) Is the HV/12VDC converter energized when the car is charging?

(7) During start up, does the car report warnings and faults separately?

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