Dear All,

I have been following the many interesting discussions on this list for 
sometime as I have long planned a EV conversion project. The project has now 
materialized and I thought it is a good time to reach out to the community to 
seek some advice. First of all let me give you little bit of back ground:

This project was conceived to promote greener initiatives in the tourism and 
travel industry in Sri Lanka.  We have identified a high impact (environmental 
and sustainability) market, Safari touring vehicles in national parks of Sri 
Lanka to adopt sustainable and greener alternatives. We have embarked on 
building the first prototype, the host vehicle is a TATA pick-up truck with 
curb weight of 1950 kg and full load weight of 2900 kg. It is a very basic 
diesel vehicle, it is rear wheel driven. 

The EV drive train we have identified is from TM4 of CANADA <> we will use the TM4 motor, inverter 
and vehicle management unit. The motor is TM4 HSM60 (Peak power 90 kW, 
Continuous 50 kW, Peak torque 270 Nm, con 100 Nm), and C150 HV inverter (Max 
150 kW, Max output current 575Arms, max blocked rotor current 650 Adc, 
performance voltage 320 - 450 V, max electrical frequency 1.25 kHZ). We have 
conducted simulations using the above system and continue to fine tune these 
simulations under different driving schedules. 

For the prototype our bench mark is a range of 100 km (with full load including 
Charging time of 4 hours (charging system to be determined, we are designing a 
full solar with storage system and a solar with net metered grid tied system.)

The VMU that TM4 sells is priced attractively, however, the basic VMY has to be 
programmed by factory as needed. The latest VMU can be customer configured but 
the software is quite expensive ~USD 7200 + USD 12,000 for libraries (not 
needed but recommended.) 

I am writing you to ask for advice with the following:
Can you suggest a supervisory control systems (VMU)  that are easy to to 
program that we can use with this system?
Can you suggest a 30 - 40 kWh battery system that is attractively priced that I 
can source for this application, battery system is not decided on yet)
Can you suggest an on  board charger that is also attractively priced but 
proven (commercially), which can be sourced from US or elsewhere.
Any suggestions, helpful tips will be very much appreciated. Anyone interested 
in involved in a high impact project please contact me privately. 

Thank you
Kind Regards


Dr. Pasad Kulatunga
Sustainable Alternatives (Pvt) Ltd
+94 77 539 6963
+46 76-394 67 10 <> <>

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