
Great that you are considering an EV !

You have detailed this pretty well. If you are buying a used Leaf, say 2011 model, it will probably be down to 9 bars capacity or will be soon. I suspect, in winter, you might see your range drop below 50 or less miles on a full charge. Still should be adequate, considering you have 41 miles. But you will need to ensure a complete, full charge before your return trip. It sounds like that is doable. Just want to point it out.

I'm basing this on my 2011 Leaf experience. Since I'm doing mostly hilly, stop & go city driving my range is likely less than what you will get at 70mph on the freeway. The power consumption gage is usually around 2.5 miles / kwh in winter. We have more modest temps than you. So, in that respect, you would get poorer mileage.

Also, you need to take into account power used for the heat and defrost.

I recommend doing some more research to see what other people get in your area. How many miles / kwh. Maybe even how many kw the heater and defrost take once up to temp.


------ Original Message ------
From: "Cal Frye via EV" <>
To: "Cal Frye" <>; "Electric Vehicle Discussion List" <>
Sent: 24-Feb-17 11:05:32 AM
Subject: Re: [EVDL] Cal's OH EV : Leaf recommendations?


[as reported last November to the list, my new job is taking me from Oberlin to Case Western Reserve University, a one-way distance of 41.5 miles. This is, of course, NE Ohio, so weather is a concern. A used Leaf can be obtained for around $10-11,000. Is this possible?]

I have test-driven a 2015 Leaf S on my commute today. Arrived at the office with 44 miles remaining range on the guessometer. This model displays all the battery capacity bars, a consideration in my selection. This works for me. I believe I'm about to have a new EV grin.
Caveats and considerations:

There are five level 2 charging spaces, offering 3kW, available convenient to my office. There are two charging spaces near my home in Oberlin, unmarked but at least 3kW, possibly 6kW. Both ends of the trip are adequately supplied, so the distance requirement is easily within the Leaf's capacity. Further, there are DC charging spots offered at random Walmarts between the two endpoints, should one have to hunt for backup or extra range. This model does have the 6kW charger.

Today, while February, the temperature starting out was 54F. No cabin heat or defrost was necessary, and the seat heater was determined to be, if anything, too warm. I might need warmer socks. I recognize the climate will have an impact, but I believe I can afford to lose range for comfort and still make the trip work.

I did not feel terribly inconvenienced by selecting both the regenerative braking and eco modes when I set out. I did drive for perhaps 20 miles at 70mph, while being passed on the left by folks at even higher speeds. I can learn to live with that ;-)

There was exactly one BMW i3 available on the used market within 250 miles of me, and for rather more money than the Leaf. A couple months of looking didn't turn up a single VW e-golf. For the difference in price, I can easily afford to instal a 240v outlet in my garage and have the convenience charger modified for 240v operation or install some other charger at home.

Plus, my wife drives a Honda ICE and has a shorter commute, so if conditions suggest range is too short, we can swap. I will strive to keep this from happening too often ;-)

     Cal Frye
Oberlin, OH 44074

"In physics the truth is rarely perfectly clear, and that is certainly universally the case in human affairs. Hence, what is not surrounded by uncertainty cannot be the truth." -- Richard Feynmann (1918 - 1988).

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