In case you are interested in electric aircraft, there will be a seminar in San 
Carlos on Saturday April 8th. I'm not sure, but this will probably just be a 
classroom presentation. 

Tom Keenan

"Sustainable Aviation and the Pipistrel Alpha Electro Trainers"
Topic: Safe, green, quiet and economical
On Saturday, April 8, 2017 at 12:00 Pacific Daylight Time
San Carlos Flight Center
655 Skyway Rd,
Suite 215
San Carlos, CA 94070
Select Number:



Joseph Oldham will present the Sustainable Aviation Project; the first 
deployment of production electric aircraft in commercial flight training 
service in the United States.  A joint effort between the City of Reedley, City 
of Mendota, Reedley College, Mazzei Flying Service, the Fresno Business 
Council, and the CALSTART San Joaquin Valley Clean Transportation Center, the 
project is using $1,071,348 in funding from the Fresno Council of Governments 
New Technology Reserve Fund Grant program for equipment, electric aircraft 
charger installation, technical assistance, and low-income student assistance 
costs.  Mr. Oldham will discuss the origin, development, and stakeholder 
engagement process for the project and provide updates on the current status of 
deployment of the aircraft and network of chargers to support their operation 
at four (4) airports in Fresno County.  The project benefits include:

Zero emission operations.

90% reduction in noise levels

Increased safety due to no flammable fuel on board for both pilots and ground 

Improved access to aviation careers through lower cost for flight training

Increased utilization and revitalization of rural airports

The Sustainable Aviation Project is designed to provide an essential first step 
for gaining public acceptance of the advanced electric aircraft technology 
being developed by entrepreneurs around the world.


Joseph Oldham, Director of the San Joaquin Valley Clean Transportation Center.

A native of the San Joaquin Valley and a private pilot since 1974, Mr. Oldham 
has had a passion for aviation since early childhood.  A graduate of California 
State University, Fresno, Mr. Oldham has spent most of his professional life 
working to improve air quality in the region through deployment of clean energy 
and clean vehicle technology.  

When the opportunity to develop a plan to deploy production electric aircraft 
for the first time in the United States in a practical way to support lower 
cost flight training operations, Mr. Oldham seized the chance, developed the 
plan, and helped organize an amazing team of people from local government, 
business, and education to make the plan a reality, and wrote the successful 
grant proposal that secured the funding for the project.

The Sustainable Aviation Project is not just the vision of one person; it is a 
vision of a region designed to change the way outsiders view the San Joaquin 
Valley and open doors for veterans and youth from the area to enter into an 
aviation career.   The project also will begin the process of getting the 
public familiar and comfortable with electric propulsion in aircraft as a step 
toward the advanced electric powered aerial sky taxi vehicles of the future and 
larger commercial electrically powered aircraft.

Mr. Oldham lives in Fresno, CA, with his wife Donna and two adult children.  He 
is co-owner of a 2007 Aeroprakt A-22 light sport aircraft and is working on 
getting his Sport Pilot CFI rating to be able to assist with flight training in 
the Pipistrel Alpha Electro aircraft when they are operational sometime in late 

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