Paul Dove via EV wrote:
Many researchers have been attempting this. MIT claims 100% increase in 

It might help to put this in the perspective of research scientists. They look at some pair of reactants that look promising for a battery. They can calculate the voltage that would be produced. They can calculate how many electrons will be stored and released per atom. They know the atomic weight of the reactants, and so can figure out the theoretical watthour capacity and watts per kilogram.

So they make a few laboratory tests, on a very small scale. Holy cow! It's twice as good as any existing battery! Call the patent attorneys!

But... you haven't taken into account the current-carrying conductors to bring the power out. Or the separator, that has to keep the reactants apart (or your battery would be a short circuited). Or the packaging. All these add considerably to the size and weight.

Then, how are you going to make it? And what will it cost? Things you can do in the laboratory by hand can be damnably difficult to scale up.

These are the reasons why no real battery ever comes anywhere close to providing its theoretical yield.

"I've discovered a way to predict the winner of horse race! First, we assume the horses are spheres rolling on a frictionless track..."
Lee Hart, 814 8th Ave N, Sartell MN 56377,
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