John Lussmyer via EV wrote:
On Sun Mar 04 07:52:25 PST 2018 said:
Is it possible to build a voltage regulator that adjusts the voltage QUICKLY in 
order to get something closer to a square wave output rather than the normal 
sine wave?

If the genset is old, it probably doesn't have any elaborate electronic
controls to regulate voltage and frequency. Does it just have some kind
of simple mechanical or electrical governer to set the ICE speed, and
thus the output frequency?

This is an older generator head from a military diesel genset.
It did have controls to adjust the voltage and the frequency, but I haven't dug 
into the actual generator head in detail yet.

Found the manuals for this unit.  The generator head does have connections for a "DC 
Excitor", both stator and rotor.
Seems to expect around 60VDC (from looking at one of the test instructions.)

I do wonder if this could be varied fast enough so that the generator output is 
closer to a square wave.

The wound field probably has a lot of inductance, so you won't be able to change the current fast enough to modulate the output.

One reason for the dreaded "load dump" in generators and alternators is the large inductance of the field. A load dump occurs when the generator or alternator is charging at high current, and the load is suddenly removed. The field inductance causes the field current to remain high for many milliseconds. So the generator or alternator keeps right on delivering its maximum power for that time. This causes the output voltage to spike much higher, and at high current as well. Bang!

You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change
something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.
        -- R. Buckminster Fuller
Lee Hart, 814 8th Ave N, Sartell MN 56377,
Please discuss EV drag racing at NEDRA (

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