I _used_ to love strong regeneration for braking in the PHEV Volt and 1 pedal 
driving with cruise control,Then I got the "DriveWise" plug that rats out my 
driving behavior, over the Air to my insurance company, theoretically dropping 
my insurance rates (NOT) (you went over 80, once, thats a SERIOUS ding on your 
insurance (DC to Florida to DC to Kansas City to Florida etc)
what i discovered, and never had resolved is 
"you had 238 HARD braking incidents this ONE month, so your insurance IS NOT 
GOING DOWN and you better driver better. toot sweet"
??What hard braking?? It's _high_ regenerative braking I say, insurance company 
says NO, 238 hard braking incidents just last month, our software is not 
glitchy or poorly written (but designed and coded for fossil fuel vehicles, not 
EV's or PHEV's it seems)
The device was uplugged from the ODBD , I got numerous emails "plug it back in, 
it's gone silent" from them, 
i sent "Not till you fix your glitchy software with false 238 hard braking 
alerts that falsely conflate regenerative braking in an EV with panic braking 
in a fossil fuel vehicle, Your software is poorly designed and written and 
neglects an entire genre of vehicles with regenerative braking that increase 
MPG, decrease wear and tear on brakes, etc
"I obviously didn't panic brake 238 times in 1 month, driving around a 10-20 
mile radius, while retired in SW Florida" 
"there is nothing wrong with our software that we will publicaly admit _and_ 
you had 238 hard braking events in 1 month,"
a few more rounds of emails with no resolution, other than the ODBD device was 
permanently unplugged
So, a word to the wise, bad and poorly written software can get you
    On Wednesday, May 23, 2018, 12:40:35 PM EDT, Robert Bruninga via EV 
<ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:  
  I heard this sentence this weekend and it sums up what I ttry to tell
people in a suscinct way:

Brakes are for STOPPING, not for slowing.  If you use the brakes for
slowing you are just throwing energy away and you were going too fast in
the first place.

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