But releasing the accelerator at any time to cause high regen is the same
as a hard braking event, (a rapid deceleration of the car changing speed)
and a waste of energy unless it is part of an unavoidable stopping event..
Coasting instead of regen will retain double the energy compared to using
regen no matter whether it is from pressing the brake pedal or simply
releasing pressure on the accelerator.  You mention feathering the
accelerator, but I interpret that as during acceleration.

And cruise control is also wasteful, since it will use regen to maintain
speed going down a hill instead of letting the car coast and -preserve- its
kinetic energy and the added potential energy from the hill.  Both of which
are double what you can get from regen.

In summary, Braking is bad in any car (throws away energy)  Regen is half
as bad.  Coasting is the only thing that is "good".



On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 2:27 PM, robert winfield <winfield...@yahoo.com>

> Except, I rarely used the brakes at all, but instead used a combination of
> high regeneration, cruise control, feathering the accelerator as necessary,
> and almost never touched the brakes except to eliminate the "creep" when
> stopped.
> I have both* 2.2 million miles driving experience* and 53 months
> ownership of a 2014 Chevy Volt.
> The last 3 wrecks I was in were when i was stopped at a stop light, rear
> ended, in clear weather, by distracted drivers
> First and 2nd were texting, once an attempted carjacking near Takoma Park
> Metro station and last was on a 5 mile straight, 4lane divided highway,
> clear weather, light traffic, no sun glare, distracted elderly driver,
> absolutely no reason to hit me, I was stopped for 8-10 seconds
> I DON'T tailgate, it's a recipe for death, destruction and sorrow
> i became quite adept at 1,000 mile, 1 pedal driving w/cruise control,
> It matters not whether it is wasteful to use brakes or regeneration, (with
> brake lights)
> If i tried coasting to a stop in SW Florida, there are a LOT of hostile
> folks who would (and have) "show that libtard idiot with the EV/PHEV" and i
> would be dead
> I have been "Coal rolled" but they failed as the PHEV with a tiny goose of
> the accelerator zoomed past and  left them in their dust
> I have been going down I-75 and been passed, at night, by vehicles going
> almost twice as fast, with the effective actual speed limit just under 80
> (well over 130-140)
> traffic lights are at best a suggestion. people routinely go the wrong way
> at high speeds down divided highways because it's shorter, I have been
> casually sideswiped and my rear view mirror folded out
> who then ran. elderly drivers routinely get confused and just go, whether
> the light is green, yellow or red. A red light means 3-6 more vehicles caan
> go, some at very high rates of speed ,Slaloming  around stopped vehicles
> Couples get into arguments and jump out of cars at speed and die,
> you can easily get shot for looking at other motorists, who have stickers
> proclaiming "Assault Life" with crossed AR-15's
> Hypermiling/coasting is an invitation to a coffin, unless there is zero
> other traffic, the last time i hypermiled was in a 1956, 2 door Plymouth
> station wagon that was designed to "coast" when you let up on the
> acceleraator, which almost caused a wreck, before we hard disengaged the
> lever on the transmission, as it was extremely unsafe in any traffic.
> I never tailgate but stay well back, the radar is set in the new vehicle
> for 30-50 meters
> On Thursday, May 24, 2018, 12:36:54 PM EDT, Robert Bruninga via EV <
> ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:
> Then again, the driver could be still hard braking.  I have heard some
> people say that they frequently use the brakes to regen energy to extend
> range.  Makes no sense whatsoever.
> Heavy regen is not free energy, it is exactly the opposite.  Yes, it
> recovers maybe 55% of keinetic energy compared to an ICE car that throws
> away 100% of kinetic energy.  But still you are wasting fully HALF of the
> battery energy used to get to speed.
> But if the car is not coming to a stop and the driver is only applying the
> brakes to slow down because she was otherwise going too fast for traffic
> and conditions, then that is no free energy, it is wasted energy.
> Sure it is less waste than an ICE, but it is still *very wasteful* compared
> to coasting to preserve ones kinetic energy instead.
> Just a possibility.
> This report claims 55% recovery during regen:
> http://proev.com/LLPgs/LLei0005.htm
> Again, any use of regen that is not for the purpose of coming to a required
> stop, is throwing away 50% of the car's kinetic energy, and is an
> indication that the car is tailgating or generally speeding above the
> average speed of vehicles in his lane (also wasting energy).
> Bob
> On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 5:47 PM, EVDL Administrator via EV <
> ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:
> > On 23 May 2018 at 18:25, robert winfield via EV wrote:
> >
> > > So, a word to the wise, bad and poorly written software can get you
> >
> > I'm sure the software is badly written, but that's not the main problem.
> > The whole premise is bogus.  It's the insurance company behind it that's
> > "getting you."  They would still be "getting you" even if the software
> > were
> > bug-free.
> >
> > There's just way too much paternalism going down everywhere these days.
> > Do
> > you really want to volunteer for more?  You can sign up to have a
> > permanent
> > backseat driver if you want, but I sure won't.  I'm a big boy now, and I
> > don't need or want daddy in the car with me every second and every mile.
> >
> > Not gonna dance to that tune.  Not even for a discount on my insurance.
> > And
> > I drive like your grandma, too.
> >
> > For the same reason (among others), I'll never buy a Tesla.  Remember
> when
> > that "journalist" tried to kill the battery in an early Model S by
> driving
> > it in circles in a parking lot?  At first I was amused that the car's
> > software ratted him out to Musk.  Then I thought a little more about it,
> > and
> > decided it wasn't so funny after all.  It's not just guys like that
> > Tesla's
> > spying on.  It's EVERY Tesla driver, all the time.
> >
> > Musk is a brilliant businessman, and I'm glad he's pushed Detroit and
> > Tokyo
> > to get off their bums, but I'm just not interested in having him riding
> in
> > my back seat.
> >
> > David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
> > EVDL Administrator
> >
> > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
> > EVDL Information: http://www.evdl.org/help/
> > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
> > Note: mail sent to "evpost" and "etpost" addresses will not
> > reach me.  To send a private message, please obtain my
> > email address from the webpage http://www.evdl.org/help/ .
> > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
> >
> >
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