CARB Rates Tesla Model 3 AWD Range at 455 Miles
July 10, 2018  Sean Szymkowski


share  / Bozi Tatarevic
Bozi Tatarevic @hoonable
Tesla has filed a CARB certificate for the Model 3 Long Range AWD and Model
3 Long Range AWD Performance. Still no certificate for the Standard Range
Also, for some reason the AWD models have a shorter range (455.32) based on
the UDDS test than the RWD model (495.1).
3:30 PM - Jul 9, 2018 

The California Air Resources Board has provided range estimates for the
Tesla Model 3 all-wheel drive and performance models. The dual-motor
electric-car variants will go 455 miles on a single charge, per CARB.

It’s important to note the CARB ratings are not EPA estimates or real-world
figures. Instead, CARB uses its own methodology.

What’s most interesting is the drop in range compared to the
rear-wheel-drive Model 3. The Model 3 Long Range sans the dual-motor setup
returns 495 miles, per CARB. The EPA has officially rated the Model 3 Long
Range variant with a 310-mile range estimate.

Although the AWD and performance model certificates are now available, CARB
still hasn’t published any information on the Model 3 Short Range variant.
The most affordable variant has been missing in action since production
started as Tesla works to produce pricier vehicles. Thus far, only the Long
Range, AWD and performance variants have entered production. Tesla has not
set a concrete date for when production of the Model 3 Short Range variant
will begin.
Model 3 is the car of the future—with 310 mile range, 0-60 mph acceleration
in 3.5 seconds, dual motor all-wheel drive and our most refined design and

Tesla Model 3 Making its European Debut This Month
Jul 3, 2018 - The Tesla Model 3 is poised to make its European debut this
month at the ... course at the Goodwood Estate in Chichester, UK, which is
operated by the ... It may only become more active at Goodwood in coming
years after it ...

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