Roland always answered newbie questions that he had probably answered many times before.

Rest inĀ  peace Roland.


On 8/20/2018 6:29 PM, EVDL Administrator via EV wrote:
If youi've been on the EVDL for a while, you probably remember reading posts
by Roland Wiench.  He gave us a lot of them -- over 4,100.  His first post,
about LRR tires, seems to have been in November of 2003.  He posted several
times in late 2016 and early 2017, then one last time in May of 2017.

You can read many of his posts in the archive.  He's also quoted in an EVDL
library article,

I realized recently that I hadn't read anything from him in quite a while,
so I did some investigation.  I'm sad to report that Roland passed away on
the 16th of March this year.  The obituary is quoted below.

Please discuss EV drag racing at NEDRA (

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